Save for Your Future with an Individual Retirement Account

Save for the future, no matter your age, with an IRA from City Credit Union in Independence, MO. The earlier you start saving, the more powerful your earnings will become. We offer Traditional, Roth, and SEP IRAs, as well as Coverdell Education Savings Accounts. 

An IRA from City Credit Union allows you to: 

  • Save money for retirement 

  • Save on your tax bill 

  • Choose from many investments 

  • Design your savings plan according to your needs

Come in and speak with one of our account specialists today and start the best saving plan geared around your needs with an IRA today. 

Account Types

Traditional IRAs

A Traditional IRA (Individual Retirement Account) allows you to make pre-tax contributions while your invested funds grow tax-deferred. As the owner of a Traditional IRA, you are responsible for paying the income tax at the time of withdrawal.  

Roth IRAs

You will not have a tax deduction when placing funds in a Roth IRA. The advantage of Roth IRAs is that you will never pay taxes on your investment earnings at the time of withdrawal when you follow the Roth IRA guidelines.  


Those who own a small business with little or no employees could benefit from a Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account (SEP IRA). A SEP IRA works like a Traditional IRA with contributions that are tax-deferred until retirement. Come in and speak with our account specialist to see if you qualify for a SEP IRA.  

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts

Coverdell ESAs are specifically designed to set up an educational savings plan for your children. Withdrawals are not used for retirement but for qualified educational expenses and are generally tax-free.  

Contact City Credit Union and Start Saving for the Future Today

Why not let your money work for you with an IRA tailored to your needs? Contact City Credit Union and let our experts show you how to start saving for the future today!